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44-47 Gardner Street, Brighton. BN1 1UN

Brighton: A Hub for Queer & Alternative Comedy & Culture (with plenty of laughs!)

Brighton has long been recognised as the Gay Capital of the UK, with over 20% of its adult population identifying as LGBTQIA+. But did you know its rainbow-coloured history stretches back over 200 years? Our city is not just a modern safe space for alternative comedy and culture but an enduring symbol of freedom for those who lived outside the mainstream.

Brighton’s Alternative History – It’s not as modern as you’d think!

The 1800’s

Back in 1803, during the Napoleonic Wars, some forward-thinking people took full advantage of new transport links to escape from the constraints of London. Whether it was a romantic stroll along the pebble beach or a secret stay at the Royal Albion Hotel, Brighton offered a sanctuary for those in “forbidden” love. Soldiers, philanthropists, and free spirits alike found themselves drawn to this vibrant seaside town where they could breathe a little easier.

The 1900’s and beyond

By the 1920s, the town’s reputation as a hub for LGBTQIA+ culture was cemented, with gay and lesbian bars springing up fast. In the swinging ‘60s, Brighton became a mecca for those looking to express themselves freely – especially after the decriminalisation of homosexuality in 1967. People could finally enjoy public spaces without as much fear, though there was still a lingering shadow.

Even in Brighton, it wasn’t all cocktails and rainbows. Homophobia, police raids, and prejudice were persistent thorns in the side of the queer community. In 1973, the Sussex Gay Liberation Front boldly took a stand, organising Brighton’s first Pride march in protest against violence and to celebrate alternative identity. Today, Brighton & Hove Pride is the largest Pride event in the UK, and in 2023, the city celebrated Trans Pride’s 10th anniversary with 30,000 people marching for visibility and trans rights.

With such a rich history of standing up (and out), it’s no wonder that we see Brighton as  the perfect place to host an alternative comedy night that’s as diverse as the town itself.

Down the Hatch – Queer and Alternative Comedy at Komedia

Enter Down The Hatch – a monthly queer and alternative comedy night for everyone (allies welcome!) that celebrates Brighton’s uniqueness. Comedy, after all, is one of the most powerful tools for communication and connection that we have. We can poke fun at society’s expectations, shatter stereotypes, and find joy in the quirks that make us different. 

So grab your £6 ticket and your mates, and prepare for a comedy night that’s all about being authentically you – in the safe, welcoming, and wonderfully weird atmosphere of Brighton. We promise you’ll leave with a smile and a few killer jokes to tell your friends.

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